教會信息 News 2007


On Friday, November 23, 2007, We will have a Thanksgiving Celebration Fellowship in the Church at 6 :00 pm. There will be a potluck first, and Giving Thanks to the Load programs following. Please bring your friends and relatives and a dish to share.


Our welcome party for new college students will take place on Saturday, September 8th, 5 pm in church. Please invite them and others to join us.
在9/8 周六 5:00 pm 將有迎新生的聚會活動。 歡迎大家邀請新生和未信的朋友來參加。

As the second half of the year sets in, we will focus our weekly sermon topic on how to revive and change through Holy Spirit.Please keep the sermon messages in your daily prayers. May the Spirit of God be with us always, so we can renew and live in Him.

There will be Chicago Autumn Gospel Camp at Cedar Lake, IN on September 1-3. If you are interested, please check bulletin board for details and register with sponsor. 9/1-3 ÔÚCedar Lake, IN

Mission Weekend
There will be a special meeting on coming Saturday, June 2nd, 7:00-8:30 pm. Everyone is encouraged to set aside this weekend and join Rev. Paul Horng in search of insight to the Great Commission.
本週六(6/2)睌 7:00 在教堂有宣教方面的特別聚會日。 請大家預留時間前來和講員洪保利牧師一起探討,學習履行大使命的問題。

Picnic & Baptism
Our annual church picnic and Baptism Service is scheduled to be on Saturday, June 16th, 1:00-7:00 pm at the lake. Please bring your friends and family to join us in celebration and many outdoors activities. Registration starts today. You can sign up by filling up a short registration form and give it to Wang, JingXin.
6/16(週六) 教會年度的湖邊受浸禮和戶外活動, 開始接受報名。 請大家填寫好表格, 並交王敬新弟兄代收。

Please be reminded that today is the last day of discounted registration for Midwest Region Summer Retreat. Please contact Pastor after the service if you are interested. But regular registration is still on. If you want to register or check out the details, or past events, go to: http://www.immanuel.net/sites/mcca/.

The first week of May is our church's sixteenth (16th) anniversary. Let's pray for God's love for us. Church will have some celebrations. Please come on Sunday.
五月的第一個周日是南灣華人基督教會建立16周年紀念日. 望兄弟姐妹在禱告中加與紀念. 屆時亦有紀念活動, 望大家參加..

Our annual congregational meeting will be held on April 29th. We shall also have deacon election then. Currently, Brother Jerry Wei and John Yuan are two candidates nominated by the Deacon Board. If there are any questions or any other nominations, please contact Brother Daniel Meng in the next two weeks.
本月底最后一個主日將召開年度會員大會, 屆時也將舉行執事改選. 今次執事會提名魏哲詠和袁良強兩位兄弟出任同工. 若你有疑問或其他提名, 請在近兩周內向代理主席孟慶寧兄弟提出.

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